Friday, 13 November 2015

Reasons Why Athletes should Meditate

Image result for muscle man meditation

Why does the word meditation scare people so much?
For some there is a preconceived image of meditation, that to meditate we either have to be religious, disconnected from reality, 'away with the fairies', wearing robes or Lycra with braided hair, drive around in camper vans giving out daisies........ You get the picture!
The process of meditation can be performed by anybody and is as beneficial for a high powered executive as it is for those following a more 'simple' way of living.... All you have to be in open minded.

Meditation has proved beneficial in all walks of life including sports, business, child care, rehabilitation, the penal system etc 
This is because meditation is not one straight road with only one way of driving down it. 
There is no one reason or one way to meditate
  • Are you looking to relax?
  • Are you looking to increase your energy levels?
  • Are you looking to develop concentration?
  • Are you looking to develop insight and understanding?
  • Are you looking to feel better about yourself?
  • Are you seeking inner peace?
  • Are you looking for control over emotional responses?
  • Are you looking to help create focus or find the answer to a question?
  • Are you looking to remain with in the realm of rational thought?
  • Are you looking to reduce pressure and anxiety?
  • Are you looking to heal the body?
  • Are you looking to come to terms with illness, bereavement?
  • Are you looking to get over a break up or cope with loosing at your talent?
  • Are you looking to forgive yourself and others?
  • Are you looking for the meaning of life?
The list is endless! But what intrigues me is the role of meditation in the growth and development of professional athletes.... especially post play

Letting go of mistakes made and games lost is essential, carrying that kind of baggage on to course, pitch, court, track etc adds extra labor to a game (and often unknowingly done). that extra, silent, unseen weight can have very damaging effects on performance. Unfortunately it is often vented on family, friends, fans, media. this is where the feeling of inadequacy begins, addictions and physical crutches are formed and where athletes begin to distance themselves from others. 
Before these seeds of doubt root and grow they should be eliminated immediately! This is where meditation is at it's most valuable.

I find meditation is the only form of therapy which reduces feeling of frustration and produces valuable answers when I need them the most, and I'm not the only one.... many athletes are reported to perform a daily meditation. Gary Player is reported to Meditate daily 

Take a look at the link below

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