Sunday, 28 June 2015

YFG #6 Lovely Strong Flexible Torso

We are nearing the end of our beginners sequence 'Yoga for golfers core strength' with only 2 moves lest in the sequence here is move #6 Cobra - Bhujangasana
 #1 Easy Pose With Twist (Parivrtta Sukhaasana)
#2 Easy Pose With Forward Fold (Adho Mukha Sukhasana)
#3 Easy Pose With Forward Fold - shoulder to opposite kn
#4 Cat Cow  - (Bitilasana)
#5 Balance Table - (Dandayamna Bharmanasana)
#6 Cobra - (Bhujangasana) or Upward Facing Dog
  • Opens and releases tension in the shoulders, neck and chest 
  • Stretches and tones the abdomen.
  • Strengthens the entire back, shoulders and arms
  • Improves strength in the wrists
  • Improves flexibility and greater extension in the spine
  • Firms the buttocks
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Reduces fatigue and stress.
  • Useful for people with respiratory disorders such as asthma. 
  • Stimulates abdominal organs aiding in digestion
  • Soothes sciatica
Start by lying face down on the mat, Take a moment to ensure that the spine is straight and a straight line continues from the head down to the tips of your toes. Your shoulders and hips need to be level either side of your body.
Your forearms should remain against the mat with your elbows against the body level with the chest and hands level with the face.
Push the palms of the hands against the floor and lift the shoulders from the mat. The forearms remain against the mat. Use the muscles in the center of your back to pull the shoulders down away from the ears. Engage the core and leg muscles pulling them in to the center line of the body. Allow a stretching sensation through the front of the torso.
A variation on this move is Upward facing dog. 
Whilst lying flat pull the hands backwards to sit level with the chest. Lift your shoulders as above. For the moment keep the hips engaged with the ground and genitally begin to straighten the arms (the arms can remain bent).

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Yoga Golfers #5 Rebalancing Core Strength

Whether you are left or right handed we naturally have a dominant side, You pick a bag up with your right hand and lean to the left side to allow your body to disperse the weight. You place the weight on the left foot to kick a ball with the right foot.... and so on...... As we age this compensation can have very detrimental effects on our bodies, skeletal structure and posture. So lets take a look at this weeks move in our sequence - Balance table
 #1 Easy Pose With Twist (Parivrtta Sukhaasana)
#2 Easy Pose With Forward Fold (Adho Mukha Sukhasana)
#3 Easy Pose With Forward Fold - shoulder to opposite kn
#4 Cat Cow  - (Bitilasana)
#5 Balance Table - (Dandayamna Bharmanasana)
  1. Strengthens shoulders and arms and wrists
  2. Re-balances the core muscles though out the body
  3. Helps create muscle strength
  4. Helps improve strength in the muscles which support the vertebral column
  5. Teaches balance and coordination
  6. Helps elongate the body 
  7. Clears and focuses the mind.
Start on all fours with your wrists and hands sitting directly below the shoulders, shoulder width apart and your knees under your hips, hips distance apart. Your weight should be distributed evenly between all the four points (knees and hands). Ensure that your spine is held straight from the tip of the head down to the tail bone. Engage the core muscles to support the spine, your shoulder should be drawn down the back away from the ears and there should be no tension in the neck.
Inhale and lift one leg straight out behind you, ensure the the remaining points on the ground are evenly distributed with your body weight and both hip bones remain an equal distance from the mat on each side of the body. 
Exhale and lift the arm on the opposite side of the body off the ground (if this is too much place the hand back down and keep the leg lifted ensuring the hip bone remain level). Tighten the muscles around the wait pulling then in to the spine.
Crook the foot to create a bend at the ankle and push the heel back as though you are trying to touch the wall behind you. Stretch through the torso to elongate the body. Turn the palms to face in to the center line of the body and carry the stretch from the torso through to the finger tips.
Try and keep the crown of the head in line with the vertebrata and the tail bone. Keep the foot and the hand fairly low to the ground to start. Raise them higher once you have mastered the balance of the pose.
Those with knee problems should kneel on something padded, If the pressure is too much through the wrists lower yourself on to you forearms.The length of time spent in the position varies on capability, work up to holding the position for longer periods. Lower the arm, then the leg. repeat the move with the other leg and arm.
My apologies, as i'm am not in a studio this week the pictures are brought to you from my very messy back garden

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Yoga For Golfers #4 Core Fundamentals

The fundamentals.........I have been doing yoga for over 10 years. It has given strength, insight and an abundance of knowledge. We don't have to be mindful and passionate to begin...... that develops with regular practise. participating in any form sews a seed of intention, But If the foundations are not properly understood and practised then an individual risks, injury,and a slower progression in regards to the physical aspect of yoga. We all like to push ourselves especially if we are driven individuals, But.......Lets not run before we can walk!
Although simple, the moves in this sequence are the foundations towards other more challenging poses. Many beginners make the mistake of choosing poses of the internet which look the most appealing. Whether you are strong or not, knowing how to do the moves in their purest most basic form is essential. Build strong foundations.......You wouldn't build a house of slippery rocks now would you ?
#1 Easy Pose With Twist (Parivrtta Sukhaasana)
#2 Easy Pose With Forward Fold (Adho Mukha Sukhasana)
#3 Easy Pose With Forward Fold - shoulder to opposite kn
#4 Cat Cow  - Bitilasana (this weeks move)
Those who have problems with their knees will require a cushion to kneel on, If you have neck injuries to careful when lifting and dropping the head.
This sequence helps develop postural awareness and balance throughout the body. Helping to correct alignment and improve flexibility in the spine. The move stretches torso (back and front) all the way up the neck. It also open the chest, helping to improve the movement and coordination of the breath. Stimulates and strengthens the abdominal organs, kidneys and adrenal glands. 
  1. Relives back ache produces by repetitive motion
  2. Improves coordination 
  3. Warms and tones the core muscles 
  4. Improves posture and balance
  5. Strengthens and stretches the spine and neck
  6. Stretches the hips, abdomen and back
  7. Relieves stress and calms the mind                                                                             
Start on all fours with your wrists and hands sitting directly below the shoulders, shoulder width apart and your knees under your hips, hips distance apart. Your weight should be distributed evenly between all the four points (knees and hands). Ensure that your spine is held straight from the tip of the head down to the tail bone. Engage the core muscles to support the spine, your shoulder should be drawn down the back away from the ears and there should be no tension in the neck.
Take a moment to focus here and allow your gaze to soften and the facial features to relax. 
On an inhale allow the tail bone to tilt upwards towards the sky, the belly should drop downwards and lift the chin and gaze upwards. Ensure the chest is open and the shoulder blades are drawn downwards and in to the center line of the body.
On the exhale contract the muscles in the front of the torso inwards towards the spine, This should result in the tail bone moving towards the ground, Round through the back, shoulders and shoulder blades. Allow the head to drop slightly to relieve the neck muscles. Try not to let the head fall to low or force the chin on to the chest.
You may hold each of these positions for as long as you desire, just remember to inhale when lifting the head and tail bone and exhale when rounding the spine towards the sky. Repeat the move 5-15 times (whatever you feel you are capable and comfortable to do)
To work the inner thighs and glutes place a block in between the thighs and repeat the move