So we are on to move #3 in our sequence. You may have started to realise that this particular sequence focuses closely on increasing core strength and flexibility.
Although these moves seem simple enough, they are building the foundations of much more difficult poses.When executed well and with mindful application (regularly), this sequence will help improve 'Range of Motion' (ROM), flexibility, posture, core strength, torso rotation isolation, muscle control, protection of the spine, relaxes tight muscles and helps relive back ache. Refer to previous posts for moves #1 & #2
#1 Easy Pose With Twist (Parivrtta Sukhaasana)
#2 Easy Pose With Forward Fold (Adho Mukha Sukhasana)
#3 Easy Pose With Forward Fold - shoulder to opposite knee
- Relives lower back pain and tension in the muscles created by the repetitive motion of the swing
- Improves ROM
- Teaches torso Isolation (which aids in keeping feet planted to the ground when driving off the tee)
- Creates supple muscles in the spine and helps with postures and alignment.
- Helps with core strengthening and stability
- A great hip opener and helps to stretch the inner thighs, glutes and hamstrings.
- Stretches and relives tension in the sides of the external obliques and shoulders. (trapezius - large muscle stretching from the neck down to the middle of the spine)
- Massage the abdominal organs (liver, kidneys and stomach
- Teaches muscle control and brings awareness of muscle function
For absolute beginners I suggest uncrossing the legs and letting them sit straight out in front of you. You may also wish to lift the hips by placing a cushion under the buttocks, this can be useful if the knees sit higher than the hips as aids in better alignment during the fold. Take extra care if you are prone to problems in the knees.
Start in Easy pose (move #1) sitting in a balanced position with the hips neither slumped backwards or pushed to far forwards.Imagine you vertebrae are stack evenly on top of each other in straight line, engaging the muscles in your trunk imagining the muscles wrapping around and encasing the spine to help hold the position and give support.Continue the straight line through the neck until you reach the top of the head (the tail bone preferably sits directly in line with the crown of the head). Utilise the muscles in the center of the back by drawing the shoulders down away from the ears in to the center line of the body opening up the chest. (even though the shoulders are firm there should be no tension in the neck muscle or arms).
Before you lift your body back to a starting position, engage the muscles around the spine and in the abdominal area and obliques. This is important as you will use the contraction of these muscles to lift the body back to 'Easy pose'. If you have problems in the spine, share the movement with the arms. Place pressure through the hands to take some of the effort and body weight.
Repeat this full movement on the opposite side. Then uncross the legs and recross them in the other direction. Repeat the full sequence on both side again.
If you wish to ensure your body is aligned correctly or are unsure if you are lifting your knees or rocking to one side, I suggest practising in front of a mirror. Try this move on it's own first and then perform the whole sequence from the beginning with #1, #2, #3